I aim to guide you towards your own intuition, wisdom and strength.
Counselling & Life Coaching
Make positive changes
When we face problems, our whole system can feel troubled – body, mind, and emotions experience distress. Painful emotions, thoughts, reactions and fear cloud our vision, and we can no longer see clearly. In those moments, we lose perspective.
You will receive my undivided attention while we explore your situation. As we go deeper, confusion, anxiety and pain start to lift while insights and solutions present themselves. I aim to guide you towards your own intuition, wisdom and strength.
My work combines a variety of techniques, and each session is tailored to your needs and abilities. My sessions are 90 minutes long, allowing a comfortable space to explore your inner world.
Individual Sessions
Whatever problem or struggle you face, I offer you a safe and confidential space to explore your story and become aware of unconscious motives, thoughts and emotions. You get to find out who you really are. As you discover your strengths and abilities, you naturally evolve towards clarity, truth, compassion, and self-acceptance.

Relationship Counselling
Most of us long for love, intimacy, connection, and joy. We hope to find those qualities in our romantic relationships, but that doesn’t always work out. Sometimes we face disappointment, doubt, fear, resentment, or guilt in our partnership.
Throughout our sessions, we will explore what lies behind those painful feelings and how you can use them to grow individually and together.
Is your relationship a little different?
My practice is inclusive of all gender identities and sexual orientations. I enjoy working with various people and relationship formats – monogamous, non-monogamous, or polyamorous.

Meditation Coaching
Meditation, as I practice it, is the art of sitting in stillness and listening. While you meditate, you learn to observe, identify, and accept the mental and emotional noise. Then, if you keep practising, it is possible to connect with a state of expansion and peace beyond the mind. In meditation, you can even touch the realm of non-duality.
Meditation can feel refreshing and instil a sense of happiness and relaxation. It also restores emotional balance and recharges your batteries.
There are many ways to meditate – sitting in a lotus position for an extended time period may not be for you. We will work together, looking at creative ways to find a practice that feels comfortable for you.

The Work (Byron Katie)
‘The Work’ proves that we all have wisdom, knowledge, and intuition. Everyone already carries the answers to their questions within. To experience this can be profound and even life-changing.
‘The Work’ was developed by American author and teacher Byron Katie. It is a powerful technique of self-inquiry, and it can lead you straight to the core of your distress. ‘The Work’ supports you in developing a deeper understanding of yourself, others, and life.
Its power lies in its simplicity. It consists of four questions – the answers to those questions will come from your own innate wisdom and are only for you. Learning the technique can give you independence because you can do The Work on your own, anytime, anywhere, anyplace.

Self-discovery through Art
I have no doubt that we are all creative. Art and creativity are not just for a few chosen ones. Many find being creative intimately calming – it can soothe emotional distress, quiet the mind, and bring you into the present moment. It can be a form of meditation. Explore your creativity and find your voice – it will add joy, fun and magic to your life.

From my own practice, I know that working with people can have challenging moments. It is possible that a client touches on your own story and triggers your judgement, vulnerability, or even reaction. We are human, and despite our professional training, we can encounter blind spots, trigger points, and self-doubt.
In these cases, you may benefit from talking to a non-biased professional in a supportive environment. Your and your client’s confidentiality is always a priority during this supervision.